Hi there! It’s been a minute!
This poor website… It’s not my intention for it to sit neglected, but if you keep up with us on social media, you know my full attention lately has been on building our new studio — which corresponds directly to improving the Upper Cumberland Weather Channel.
Simply put: I haven’t sat down to really focus on cleaning up this site and making it fully operational.
But… I do (still) intend to change that! As of the time of writing this, I have finally pushed through some LONG-needed updates, including one that I’ve put off for more than FOUR years…
Our live channel feed has also been restored to the homepage after a nearly two-month-long hiatus!
Having a fully functional and frequently updated website will ultimately be mission-critical once we establish a smartphone app, as the two will be directly tied together. For that reason, I’m announcing my intention to commit more time and effort into building this website into a true, reliable resource.
I can’t promise this will be a quick rollout as our new studio facility takes full priority right now and I don’t have a team of people working on either project, but my hope is to have a much better product here in the coming months. Changes will likely be rolled out ‘live,’ so you will be able to see the incremental progress we make as we go along.
For the handful of you who read this (I won’t be pushing this update out to our social media channels), I appreciate you continuing to keep tabs on the website branch of Upper Cumberland Weather. It’s embarrassing in many ways that I’ve allowed what could be such a great and valuable resource go to waste for so long, but we will be changing this soon!
Stay tuned!